Bondage woodprints and photography
The first time I became aware of the topic “lust for power” by some of my co-workers in prison, who visibly enjoyed and unfortunately abused their position on inmates. Self-critically I wanted to have a closer look on what was tabooed in judiciary and came across people, who liked to talk about it and called themselves sadomasochists.
For a year I tortured these people with the question of whether all this is ethically acceptable. What convinced me, was to see, how mentally healthy and happy couples gave pleasure to each other through pain and submission.
And because I’ve always been eager to experiment, I also learned to expand my erotic abilities. Personally sozialised on humility, indulgence and consideration, it was an enriching challenge to discover and develop my dominant side. And my personal combination of empathy, phantasy and strictness was very attractive to some slaves.
This game of ropes got exciting not only but also in terms of handicraft and anatomy. Soon my inventive experiments were sought-after in bondage circles. For a well-known magazine I published bondage wood prints and a some year longing series on “Bondage & Craft“.
After ten years of most diverse, practical experiences in this art form I started creating photographs. Through their reduction on the essentials they show the intimate, quiet and often contemplative sensuality of this communication form in partnership. In it’s origins this has nothing to do with high gloss, consumption or stimulation addiction, but on the contrary it is a form of meditation and very close to Wabi-Sabi.
Especially in several woodprints (and other printing works) but also in some photographies I prefer to hint and leave enough room for imagination. Because it’s too bad in high-gloss fetish shots as well as in horror movies when there’s shown too much, when everything is over-eagerly illuminated, when an excess of technical gimmicks takes away any phantasy, and thus the viewers have no opportunity to project their fears or wishes in what they see. Like when we were children and transmitted our dreads or hopes to the spirits under the bed or the black men in the dark of the forest. So let’s embrace our shadows! What’s your deamons? Let me put your darkside in a wonderful light! Contact me if interested in cooperation!