Welcome at hoog.at !) Here you will find some english descriptions of my projects. (This page is still under construction, and everyone is welcome to get involved.) Responsible for this page, in possession of all rights (cc by-nc-sa) is Wolf Hoog.

1971 born in Linz / Austria 1977 – 1985 elementary school and secondary school St. Martin / Traun 1985 – 1990 Higher Federal Agricultural College St. Florian / LinzInternships in different farms in Upper Austria, Tyrol & VorarlbergDriver’s license A,…

(translated from https://cafe.hoog.at/rescue) The freegan Café Hoog has often been a safe space for people with family difficulties, psychological challenges, disorientation or just for hanging out and being the person you want to be. Regardless of whether economic, interpersonal, emotional…
Has to be translated: https://cafe.hoog.at/sprachaustausch

The first time I became aware of the topic “lust for power” by some of my co-workers in prison, who visibly enjoyed and unfortunately abused their position on inmates. Self-critically I wanted to have a closer look on what was…

translated from: selbermacherei.hoog.at Selbermacherei – free making for free people 1.: (ich mach’s mir lieber selber !) – (I’ll do it better myself!) – rethinking (Consumer-critical alternative) 2.: (wer will mit mir ?) – (Who wants to do with me?)…
has to be translated: https://friedensturm.hoog.at/

A documentation of an escalated collecting Filmed 2006 in Austria and Croatia and edited & produced 2008-2009 In a little parish on the outskirts of Linz in Austria one housewive and their friends started collecting stuff for the refugees of the…
has to be translated: https://hoog.at/alt/index.php?M=Portraits&C=Leben

Translated from: https://hoog.at/alt/index.php?M=Portraits This is another project finding the limits of portrait photography. Since portraits usually show the face (or parts of them) in close-up respectively a person in different pose or informal or perhaps unobserved at a characteristic activity, I’m…
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