1971 born in Linz / Austria
1977 – 1985 elementary school and secondary school St. Martin / Traun
1985 – 1990 Higher Federal Agricultural College St. Florian / Linz
Internships in different farms in Upper Austria, Tyrol & Vorarlberg
Driver’s license A, B, C, E, F, G
since 1988 stories, scripts, prints, sculptures …
Launch of the noncommercial “Cafe Hoog” as hostel and place for meditation, working, exchange of ideas and much more.
1990 – 1991 Civil service at the home for old people in Traun
1991 – 1994 Academy for Occupation therapy at the LNK Wagner-Jauregg Linz
Decisive cooperation in the establishment of the academy (workshop and library inventory)
Internships in:
Rehabilitation center of PVAng. Bad Hofgastein various departments of LNK Linz,
Institute Hartheim,
Special hospital for alcoholics and drug addicts Traun
Hospital of the University of Göttingen (D),
Prison Göllerdorf
Workshop Mollardgasse in Vienna (collaboration on therapeutic concept)
Introductory courses in NLP, Design Therapy, Systemic Family Therapy (H.Merl) …
Diploma thesis:
“Pathological dependence as a holistic disorder – principles of occupation therapy in the therapy of addiction“
1994 – 1995 Occupational therapist at the Department of Adolescent Psychiatry of LNK Salzburg
Set up of the occupational therapy
Cooperation in the development of a solution-oriented concept
Commitment in the opening of the ward and against the hospitalization of patients
Working with suicide, sexual abuse, dependency, psychosis, cognitive disorders …
1995 – 2000 Psychology studies at the Universities of Salzburg and Innsbruck
In addition to all required courses in the first part of the degree, emphasis is placed on ethnomedicine, developmental psychology, gender studies, sexual medicine, complementary medicine, qualitative examination methods …
1996 – 1998 Occupational therapist at the Department of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry & Pediatric Psychosomatics of the University Children’s Hospital Innsbruck
Collaboration in the development of a systemic concept
Extension of the craft offer
New establishment of therapeutic groups
Use of video as a therapeutic project work
Working with perceptual disorders, sexual abuse, aggression, phobias …
Training in therapeutic puppetry, psychodrama, hypnotherapy, systematic group leadership, sensory integration, Affolter therapy, therap. Accompanied by Emmi Pickler, therap. Work with soapstone …
1998 – 1999 Occupation therapist at the Department of Forensic Psychiatry of the PKH Baumgartner Höhe in Vienna
set up of the occupational therapy
Development of an ergotherapeutic concept
1999 – 2008 Occupational therapist in prison Vienna-Mittersteig
Relocation and redesign of the occupational therapy workshop in the subsidiary Floridsdorf
Further development of the occupational therapy concept
Collaboration on the new common therapeutic concept
Analytical, systemic and psychodramatic training in dealing with sexual offenders, Transference Focused Psychotherapy …
Film-specific trainings (including scriptwriting, directing, camera, cutting … with f.e. Barbara Albert)
first film “Uiin, nisen-ichi nen shi gatsu, Kato Ichiro“
increased interest in photography v.a. Portraits
Elaboration of a prevention campaign against sex abuse by treatment motivation of the potential offenders
Lecturing in Vienna and Moringen (D)
Initiation, organization and management of several regular international discussions
Reviews, instructions and other texts for various magazines
2006 – 2007 guest student at the Academy of Applied Arts
Printmaking with emphasis on woodcut in the masterclass Prof. Schenk
Metal and stone sculpture (Cl. Erwin Wurm), photography (Cl. Prof. Rothemann), …
Since then working as freelance artist
Exhibitions of photos and prints in Vienna, Linz, Salzburg, Hartberg, Strasshof, …
Presentation of the documentary “With Patience & Trust in God” at festivals and in libraries.
Launch and continuing development of the initiative for the positive use of the flak towers: “Peace Tower“
since 2009 Establishment and development of the first prevention campaign against consume addiction “Selbermacherei“
Promotion of a consumerism-critical rethinking process (what do you want ?)
Suggestion for productive empowerment (I prefer to do it myself !)
Building a network of mutual help (who wants to join me ?)
Planned is a consumerism-critical search engine and the establishment of the free neighborhood help center manufactur futuristic …
(new Selbermacherei page)
Developing the Cafe Hoog as first and till now only freegan café
Training in austrian sign language (ÖGS A2.1)
Developing the Cafe Hoog for language exchange
Practical experience in dog therapy
Training and practical experience in beekeeping
Organising the new Thursday protests.
new homepage with all updates of all projects: hoog.at